Tag Archives: revision

A Day’s Worth

That moment when the sharp rays of the morning sun

Splash onto her smooth face.

A time to let it seep into her exhausted skin,

Wake up the sleepy freckles resting on her cheeks.


Every year on her birthday, her mother,

A woman of immaculate courage,

Intense like a lioness’s,


Shedding a single, lone tear,

Recalling the day her first child arrived into this world.


A frigid day in January,

She recalls, she sees her own blueness in her daughter’s wide eyes —

The relation uncanny.

The longing for her daughter to be lying in her arms, snuggling in what seemed natural.

Has anything really changed?


That moment when the sky becomes a painting

Filled with dark, swirling clouds, creeping up in front of the sun, dimming the brightness on her freshened face.

The grayness drips into her complexion,

Freckles slowly erased,

Revealing the reflection of a lost child.

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Revised Poem: Unraveled

The pulse








in my brain

long enough to unravel the crescendo of rhythm



a string

of lost memories

Recovered and Restored

Clear yet Corrupt

just pictures of something

that happened

on a day

like any other

with people

whom I remember

for longer than I thought.

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